Introducing Someone - "Cover Face Contest"


Fania : Octo. Come here, look at this!
Octo : What? What’s wrong? Oh, this magazine.
Fania : Yeah, I think I will go for “Cover Face Contest”
Octo : What? Are you kidding me?
Fania : What’s the matter? This is my dream and I will reach it and make it come true and I will be a Supermodel
Octo : That’s great, I will support you. So, what time you will go for tomorrow?
Fania : Earlier is fine, at 4 p.m. I think I should curly my hair before the show
Octo : Not bad, I really like your straight hair by the way. Okay, see you soon. You dont need a driver right?
Fania : I think, you can go with me. Will you?
Octo : Of course, with my pleasure. See you tomorrow
Fania : Okay bye~ see you soon.
Fania : How about me? Is it really perfect? How about my smile? Is it cute or elegant? I think I look really ugly
Octo : Wait Fania, you are really pretty, think relax and think that you will get that chance. Fania, I have surprise for you, I dont know before that my old friend is a designer and she will be one of the judge today
Fania : Really? She is really awesome
Octo : Yeah, hi! Terry, nice to meet you here, long time no see
Terry : Oh my god Octo, how are you? Yeah, It’s been a long time but you dont change at all
Octo : I still handsome right? Oh yeah wait, Terry this is my friend Fania, she will be the finalist in your “Cover Face Contest” and Fania, this is Terry she will judge you tonight, haha just kidding
Terry : Oh, really? Nice to meet you.  You are really beautiful. Maybe if you win for the first place I will recruit you to be my brand ambassador
Fania : That’s amazing. Nice to meet you Miss Terry. I’ll do my best
Terry : Sure, you should do that. Octo, I dont have enough time. I must prepare a lot of for tonight. Maybe I can go now?
Octo : You are really busy woman. Okay dear no problem, you are very busy so you should keep your health. Fighting! I’ll call you soon
Terry : I’ll wait your call. Okay thank you. Bye bye~ see you soon
Fania : See you soon Miss, thank you
Terry : U’re welcome

Octo : So, are you still nervous?
Fania : Not really. I think I feel better
Octo : Glad to hear that. So that you can explore your tallent and enjoy the party!


  1. Hi Rinta. It's a good conversation idea.
    I think lines 28 : "Terry : ...... Maybe I can go now?" It should be "May I go, now?"
    Correct me if I wrong ^^
    Visit my blog →

  2. aloha sist rin^^
    good job and i did't have any word to say *aja aja hwaiting

    (visit and put your comments on

  3. good dialogue rinta :)
    don't forget to visit and put your comment on


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